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[한국 피엔지] Human Resources - Summer Intern 채용

채용 뉴스/수시채용정보

by 커리어브릿지 2017. 3. 21. 16:19



Human Resources - Summer Intern - Korea-ASI00000698

As a member of our Human Resources team, you are responsible for creating the context which enables all our people to be at their very best, so that we can achieve and exceed our business objectives, by making people and organization a lasting competitive advantage for P&G.
You are a business partner and work with our leaders to enable them to effectively manage their organization. In support of that, you create systems, strategies and tools that attract, develop, challenge, motivate and reward our people. You have to think creatively and at the same time be result oriented. You will lead projects that are relevant to our people such as: training, diversity, recruitment, organization effectiveness, employee and labor relations or compensation and benefits.


What can you expect from us

Your work will expose you to many challenges in which you need to make strategic business decisions working together with diverse people both from within and outside the company and across different regions. Your result will be "the best in class" performance of our people and organization.

As your career develops, you have the opportunity to apply for diverse roles, such as HR leader of a national sales organization, a production plant, a local country or a regional corporate function. In partnership with you, we will plan your assignments and training to support your systematic development and success as an HR professional. Our people-first philosophy means you'll enjoy outstanding challenges, opportunities and rewards in your own right.


Key Requirements

- South Korean citizen. Legally eligible to work in Korea

- Must be university graduate, or expected to graduate university by Feb 2018

- Must have no restrictions in travelling overseas

- Must have completed military service or be exempt, if applicable

- Major/Department: No restriction. All majors can qualify

- Must have: strong leadership, strategic thinking skills, passion for winning, strong communication skill in both Korean and English


Application Process

- 홈페이지(korea.pgcareers.com) “Apply Now”에 있는 Application Guidelines 및  FAQ 확인한 후, ”Search Jobs”에 접속하여 원하는 모집군을 검색 및 선택(중복 지원시 탈락 – 한 전형, 한 직무만 지원 가능)한 후 입사 원서 작성이 가능합니다.

- 지원기간 마감 이후 이력서 수정은 불가능하며, 별도의 우편 접수는 받지 않습니다.


Application Deadline

2017년 4월 12일 11:59PM

*마감일에는 접속량 급증으로 시스템이 불안정할 수 있으므로 서류전형을 빨리 완료하시는 것을 권장합니다.


Recruiting Process & Schedule
1. 서류전형 (Resume & Cover Letter 접수 및 온라인 테스트 완료): 2017년 4월 12일 11:59PM 마감

2. 필기시험 (서류 통과 후 선호 타임 선택 가능): 4월 25~28일 예정 (변동가능)

3. 면접전형 (면접은 서류전형시 제출한 Resume & Cover Letter을 바탕으로 함) : 5월 10일 이후


*각 전형 결과 혹은 일정 변경에 대하여 지원자의 이메일 혹은 휴대폰으로 연락 드릴 예정이오니 입사서류 작성시 정확하게 기입해주시고 주기적인 확인 부탁 드립니다.


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