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[한국 피앤지] IT Data Analyst - Associate Manager 채용

채용 뉴스/수시채용정보

by 커리어브릿지 2017. 4. 25. 15:10



IT Data Analyst - Associate Manager - Korea-IT 00000939

Position Summary

Senior Business analysts at P&G drive better decision-making and transform how P&G operates by influencing the key strategic decisions of General Management and by embedding analytics into our core work processes. The majority of business analysts are advisors to P&G’s senior leadership (General Manager’s +) keeping them abreast of current market & competitive dynamics and informing their on-going understanding of 1) our ability to deliver our business goals, and 2) how we should allocate our investments across our GM’s portfolio (markets & brands) of businesses to deliver the greatest returns.


Business Analysts at P&G are:
Passionate about Analytics: Analytic skills are the foundation of this role. The ability to mine terabytes of data, derive actionable insights, and then translate those insights into business action is critical in our work. As a Senior Business Analyst, your will transform the business to enable better decision-making through the usage of advanced analytics. You will be the business’s primary evangelist for the power of predictive analysis and develop business cases to illustrate the “step-change” in decision-making that occurs when you begin to anticipate what will happen, versus just reflecting on what has occurred.

Business Leaders: Business Analysts at P&G need to be effective communicators, self-motivated, and able to drive insights into actions that improve P&G’s business results. Business knowledge, interpersonal /communication skills are therefore a must to thrive in a multifunctional leadership team. Your job is to communicate complex data or algorithms into simple conclusions that will empower leadership to drive action based on the insights you derive.

Technically Capable: P&G Business analysts “get their hands dirty”, leveraging data visualization (Spotfire), and analytic tools (R, SAS, JMP, etc) to grasp the business building insights in our mountains of data. You should be adept at leveraging such technologies for solving ad hoc business problems, innovating on potential future solutions, and working with technology partners to translate your innovations into robust, scaled, analytic solutions.

As a P&G business analyst you will be a part of an award winning BI community that is Global in scope, and operates across P&G’s core disciplines (Marketing, Sales, Product Supply, etc).


Desired Skills & Experience
Masters or higher education in a quantitative degree (Statistics, Operation Research, Systems Engineering, Decisions Sciences, Applied Math, Economics etc..)
Demonstrated success in effective leadership, problem solving and priority setting
Strong English communication (presentation, written, and listening) skills
Excellent collaboration skills and the ability to work within diverse organizations and teams
Desire/passion to transform how decisions are made through ad hoc & scaled application of analytics
Demonstrated success at deriving insight from data and effectively communicating those insights to drive action
Strong technical & analytical skill (R, SAS, SQL, optimization, predictive modeling, etc)



Key Requirements

- South Korean citizen. Legally eligible to work in Korea

- Must be university graduate, or expected to graduate university by Aug 2017

- Must have no restrictions in travelling overseas

- Must have completed military service or be exempt, if applicable

Application Process

홈페이지(http://korea.pgcareers.com/) “Apply Now”에 있는 "Application Guidelines" 및 " 채용 FAQ확인하시기 바랍니다.
홈페이지(http://korea.pgcareers.com/) “Search and Apply for Jobs” 링크에 접속하여 지원하고자 하는 직무를 검색 및 선택(Job Number: IT0000939. 중복 지원시 탈락 – 한 전형, 한 직무만 지원 가능)후 입사 원서 작성이 가능합니다.
 최종제출 이후 이력서 수정은 불가능하며, 별도의 우편 접수는 받지 않습니다.


Application Deadline

2017년 5월 17일 11:59PM

*마감일에는 접속량 급증으로 시스템이 불안정할 수 있으므로 서류전형을 빨리 완료하시는 것을 권장합니다.


Recruiting Process & Schedule

1. 서류전형 (Resume & Cover Letter 접수 및 온라인 테스트 완료): 2017년 5월 17일 11:59PM 마감

2. 서류발표: 5월 19일

2. 필기시험 (서류 통과 후 선호 타임 선택 가능): 5월 29일 예정 (변동가능)

3. 면접전형 (면접은 서류전형시 제출한 Resume & Cover Letter을 바탕으로 함) : 5월 30일 이후


*각 전형 결과 혹은 일정 변경에 대하여 지원자의 이메일 혹은 휴대폰으로 연락 드릴 예정이오니 입사서류 작성시 정확하게 기입해주시고 주기적인 확인 부탁 드립니다.

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