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[한국스탠다드차타드은행] 2021년 글로벌 인재(International Graduate) 채용

채용 뉴스/공개채용정보

by 커리어브릿지 2021. 1. 7. 16:45



외국계 금융 기업 한국스탠다드차타드은행 에서
2021년 글로벌 인재(International Graduate)를 모집 합니다.

A suite of banking solutions that are simple, smart and secure. Retail Banking is what most people think of when they hear the word "banking". It essentially covers all the products and services that the Bank provides to make day to day lives easier for everyone, be it:

  • Payments - making it easier for online or direct purchases,
  • Accounts and Deposit Offering – providing you simple, smarter and secure options to save and/or grow your money
  • Mortgages and Investments – offering a range of simple solutions for your residential and financial needs.

At Standard Chartered, Retail Banking serves over 9 million affluent and emerging affluent clients and small businesses in many of the world’s fastest growing cities across Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Our focus is on serving the banking needs of these Priority, Business and Personal Clients with market-leading digital capabilities and best-in class products and services as we make banking simple, smarter and secure.


Your training

Explore the different teams. Get to learn and build your knowledge of what really drives our Retail business.


As a Retail Banking International Graduate, you will enjoy the broadest possible exposure to our key businesses. This could mean working within our digital team to determine the future client experience or within our customer experience area looking at what drives client satisfaction. You could work within our product and services teams to understand and develop new client propositions or even within our risk and controls management areas.


You will be fully supported to fulfill your potential, follow your passions with our specialist teams where you can:

  • Manage and contribute to a revenue generating business
  • Lead client campaign and profitability analysis
  • Manage key strategic projects that impact different channels, segments and regions
  • Contribute to the design and development of global client acquisition programmes
  • Contribute to the development of Client Value Propositions
  • Initiate, coordinate, monitor and deliver projects
  • Develop, deploy and measure new marketing campaigns

Whichever areas you have the opportunity to work within our Retail Bank, you’ll learn the importance of actively working together across the Bank to make things happen on projects and programmes, right from the start.


Your career progression

Where each day is different from the next as we relentlessly improve the Banking experience for our clients, our partners and the regulators. With opportunities for continuous learning, early responsibility and extensive networking, you have 18 months before you join a role in one of our specialist teams within Retail Banking.  This could be in areas such as:

  • Campaign Management
  • Digitisation
  • Alliances and Mobile Marketing
  • Segment Development, Personal & Preferred Banking
  • Client Services
  • Digital Strategy and Planning

We're looking for innovators that will support, contribute and lead the future of Retail Banking.


What you’ll do over 18 months

International induction – This comprises of classroom sessions, case studies, and tailored technical training split by business stream


12 Months training rotations – After induction, you will spend twelve months in Retail Banking where you’ll learn how to engage with clients. You’ll broaden your experience with rotations into areas including Risk, Product/Segments, Distribution/Front Line, and lastly Digital


6 Months Business rotation – Your final rotation will last six months and help you understand our products in detail. It’s your chance to find the team you fit into best, and begin your Standard Chartered career




You must have an undergraduate degree, we want and encourage applications from candidates from all degree disciplines. And as English is our business language, it needs to be at least one of those you speak fluently. These are our only requirements as our selection and assessment system is designed to measure strengths, fit to our business and cognitive agility, we do not shortlist based on your university and grades.


For our Graduate roles, you must have an undergraduate degree and be eligible to work permanently in the country that you are applying to. If you’re applying for a role in the UAE, we may consider applications from nationals of Middle East and North African countries.


채용 상세 요강
채용 부문: 리테일금융총괄본부 IG (Retail Banking)
프로그램 설명: 글로벌 인재(IG) 전형으로 1개월의 국내/국외 연수와 최대 18개월간의 비즈니스 로테이션 근무 기회가 제공됩니다.
채용 형태: 정규직
인원: 0명

지원 상세
상세 요건 안내 및 온라인 지원처: www.sc.com/en/careers/early-careers/

Location을 “Korea”로 설정 후 공고 검색
지원 기간: 2021년 3월 31일까지 (합격자 선정 시 마감)
합격자 입행 일정: 2021년 09월
IG, 인턴을 통합하여 1개의 부문에만 지원 가능하며, 중복 지원 시 자동 불합격 처리되므로 유의바랍니다.

전형 절차


자격 요건
2021년 08월 학/석사 졸업 예정자 또는 졸업자로 3년 이하의 경력 보유자
영어 능통자
병역필 또는 면제자로 해외여행에 결격사유가 없는 자
한국국적 또는 국내 근로자격을 갖춘 자

*문의처: SC제일은행 인사지원부 채용팀 public0112@sc.com


한국스탠다드차타드은행 2021년 글로벌 인재(International Graduate) 지원하러 바로가기 >>>


2021 - International Graduate Programme - Retail Banking - Korea

Click the link provided to see the complete job description.


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