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[BMW 파이낸셜서비스코리아]Multi-make Business ( 일반사무직 ) 채용

채용 뉴스/수시채용정보

by 커리어브릿지 2016. 11. 4. 16:00



 BMW 파이낸셜서비스코리아 Multi-make Business ( 일반사무직 )


Job Description
- Supports in developing new products and managing existing product portfolio.
- Supports in the process of sales strategy planning for Multi-make business and strategy implementation. 
- Supports Fleet business management.
- Maintains sales data and reports sales results. 
- Shares responsibility in customer communication and website updating. 
- Shares responsibility in monitoring Marketing budget( expenses, events, POS etc.).
- Shares responsibility in planning and roll-out of marketing events and conferences.


Job Requirements 
- University Graduate 
- English skills 
- MOS skills ( EXCEL Expert) 
- Interest in Automotive industry and understanding of Automotive financing industry. 


Additional Information 
커리어수준 : 학생/신입(2년 이내)
급여사항 : Negotiable
고용형태 : 신입 계약직  
전형방법 :

1차 서류전형
2차 면접전형


제출서류 :

영문이력서(resume), 국문이력서/자기소개서 (각종 증빙서류는 서류전형합격자에 한해 추후제출)


접수방법 :

온라인 지원

마감일 : 2016-11-11
채용담당 : 인사담당자 ( 02-3015-5642 /  )

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