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[한국 로슈] Logistics Specialist 채용

채용 뉴스/수시채용정보

by 커리어브릿지 2017. 9. 1. 17:47



Logistics Specialist


Job Description
3PL Oversight and Management
 - Oversee the end-to-end operations at our 3PL from import to dispatch
 - Act as the liaison between the 3PL and the various RK functions/stakeholders
 - Drive timely resolution 3PL related issues
 - Actively manage the 3PL performance
 - Close collaboration with QC, QA, Wholesale & SHE
 - Ensure a comprehensive set of KPIs and reports is in place to oversee 3PL operations
 - Drive projects to conituously improve 3PL operations in terms of quality & costs


Associate Quality/Compliance of 3PL
 - Ensure full compliance with local requirements, standard, regulations as Logistics Security officer, BCM (Business Continuity Management) and represent RK in all matters related to 3PL
 - Closely work with the 3PL and other RK functions to timely resolve issues
 - Perform on-site visits to the 3PL in line with local requirements and to ensure sufficient oversight of key warehousing activities


Cross functional project of SCM & Logistics
 - Actively support the implementation of projects and actions along the SCM & Logistics strategy
 - Ensure alignment with all other activities within SCM & Logistics
 - Processes and documentation:
 - Drive initiatives to ensure effective processes and documentation in line with local and global requirements
Job Requirements

- Minimum education: Bachelor’s Degree, majored in Logistics, SCM, Business and or related areas
- 3~5 years’ working experience in Logistics and SCM; multinational Pharma industry preferred.
 - Proven track record in Logistics and SCM; CPIM preferred
 - Experienced in working in cross-functional teams; experience in 3PL management preferred
 - Accustomed to the use of IT tools such as SAP and related master data management
 - Strong analytical skills; experience in Warehouse data management preferred
 - Strong communication skills and good level of English in writing as well as speaking
 - Team work and positive mind-set oriented 

전형방법 :

1. 서류전형 → 2. 면접전형 → 3. 종합심사 → 4. 최종 합격 통지
※ 서류전형 합격자에 한해 개별 통보
 채용이 유력한 후보자에 대해서 이력 검증 및 평판 조회, 건강검진 등의 종합심사를 진행하여 최종 합격자를 선정합니다.

제출서류 :

• 국문 이력서, 영문 이력서 (우측 상단에 모집부문/ 연락처/ 희망연봉 표기)
• 국문 자기소개서, 영문 자기소개서
• 반드시 MS Word로 작성 (HWP 접수 불가)
• 국, 영문 이력서와 국, 영문 자기소개서를 1개의 MS Word 파일로 제출
• 파일명을 “Logistics지원자이름” 형태로 첨부 예) Logistics 홍길동

• Roche Group Website를 통한 온라인 지원
1. http://www.roche.com/careers 접속. 화면 중간 \"Search your career opportunities\" 클릭. \"Countries\"에서 \"Korea” 선택 후 검색. Logistics Specialist 선택
2. 혹은 다음 주소를 클릭한 후 Logistics Specialist 선택
3. 로그인시 패스워드는 반드시 대문자와 소문자, 숫자가 모두 포함되게 설정해주십시오.
4. 관련 문의는 이메일 korea.roche@roche.com로 보내주시기 바랍니다.

접수방법 :

홈페이지: http://www.roche.com/careers


마감일 : 2017-09-14
채용담당 : 인사담당자 ( korea.roche@roche.com )


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