Role Description:
The PGP AE is accountable for:
- Delivering sales objectives for the territory
- Delivering stretch trials objective (# of new professional end users acquired)for the territory assigned and meet/exceed trial target
- Aids with execution of aligned TS/JBP with the RD/Sub-D & management of key hotel/laundry chains, other strategic end users
- Quality coverage planning + execution to deliver trial objectives for territory
- Ensure superior planning & execution of initiatives in territory to deliver sales/trial objective
- Ensure superior planning & execution of the events and conventions to drive professional end user acquisition
- Build superior relations with key professional end users – purchase/housekeeping
- Lead training of sales executives/Supervisors for entire RD/Sub-D team
Key Responsibilities:
Building Business:
1. TS/JBP – Monitors progress vs. plans/goals aligned in TS/JBP and drives execution as per plan.
2. Coverage & Frequency – Responsible for establishing and leading RD/Sub-D team to execute coverage plan as per standards agreed + execute coverage master creation by city
3. Trials and new professional end user acquisition based on quality delivery of the national/RBU plans
4. Events execution: Works across the region with key house keeping/laundry associations and participates in high ROI conventions to aid end user acquisition
5. Feedback on execution – Provides inputs on RBU MFT team, helps provide competitive pricing from field observations, feedback on initiative execution plans, stock planning etc
6. Key professional end users – Personally manages small professionals and calls on end users like the chain 5 stars/ chain laundromats/car dealerships/Novelty accounts based on commercial leaders local priority
Building Organization:
1. Responsible for conducting/managing orientation and on-going training for distributor supervisors, Detailers via EDAC cycle
2. Uses infield work and closely works with the distributor/RD to identify training needs for the Sub-D/RD organization
3. Suggests via JBP high quality R&R programs for the Sub-D/RD to execute resulting in top motivation for the agency/3rd party employees
Perfect Reporting – Responsible for perfect reporting of all requisite data for his/her territory (Database scorecards, business review, coverage, Trial plan execution, competition update, event spends, claims generation and budget utilization and personal expenditure), CSA execution as required
Personal Development:
1. Takes personal leadership to ensure quality execution of 52-week new-hire training in the first year
2. Uses quality PEAK, PDP, e-learning and leverages BM/CCL/RBU resources with a focus on understanding the operations and learning to sell the new portfolio to the target end users
- 대한민국 국적자
- 해외여행에 결격사유가 없는 자
- 남자의 경우 군필 및 면제자
- 기졸업자 및 2018년 8월 졸업자
- 학사학위 이상 소지(예정)자
- 1~2년 영업 경력 필수
- 2018년 8월 입사 가능한 자
접수 방법
- 홈페이지( “Hiring Process”에 있는 Application Guidelines 확인한 후, ”Search Opportunities”에 접속하여 “Country/Region”에 “Korea, Republic of” 검색하고 원하는 모집군을 선택(중복 지원 시 탈락 – 한 전형, 한 직무만 지원 가능)한 후 입사 원서 (영문 Resume & Cover Letter 필수) 작성이 가능합니다.
- 지원기간 마감 이후 이력서 수정은 불가능하며, 별도의 우편 접수는 받지 않습니다.
서류전형 지원 마감
2018년 7월 11일 11:59AM
*마감일에는 접속량 급증으로 시스템이 불안정할 수 있으므로 서류전형을 빨리 완료하시는 것을 권장합니다.
전형 방법 및 일정
1. 서류전형 (Resume & Cover Letter 접수 및 온라인 테스트 완료): 2018년 7월 11일 11:59AM 마감
* 온라인 테스트까지 완료하셔야 서류전형 접수가 완료 됩니다.
* 서류전형 합격 및 필기시험 안내는 이메일로 통보 드릴 예정입니다.
* Online Assessment 응시 링크는 이력서 제출 후 자동으로 기재해주신 이메일로 전달 될 예정이며, 이는 최대 1시간 정도 소요 될 예정입니다.
* 서류 마감 당일에는 접속자가 몰려 서버의 반응이 지연될 수 있으니 가급적 빠른 시일 내에 지원 완료하시길 바랍니다.
2. 필기시험 (서류 통과 후 선호 타임 선택 가능): 7월 13일 예정 (변동가능)
3. 면접전형 (면접은 서류전형 시 제출한 Resume & Cover Letter을 바탕으로 함) : 7월 18일 이후
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댓글 영역