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[한국바스프] ME Lab Engineer 채용

채용 뉴스/수시채용정보

by 커리어브릿지 2022. 7. 5. 14:37



외국계 화학기업 한국바스프에서 ME Lab Engineer를 모집 합니다.

Main Tasks & Responsibilities:

Management of routine lab activities for advanced material analysis.

  • Prepare analytical report for quality complaint investigation or analysis of competitive products.
  • Support ME lab manager for preparation of TS report
  • mplement SEM/EDS analysis, TMA measurement for CLTE, and other advanced material analysis
  • Responsible for test procedures, standard, development of new methodologies and construct & maintain analytical data base to ensure high productivity
  • Guarantee the accuracy of test results for advanced material analysis
  • Initiate routine maintenance plan and CAPEX plan of analytical equipment that is aligned with ME lab manager, and execute the plan actively
  • Support R&D, production, QM/QC, TS, TD, business teams with technical expertise on advanced material analysis

Drive for testing harmonization

  • Support lab manager on the audit of advanced material analysis related to testing equipment and methods for EP testing labs in Korea (including QC laboratories).
  • Assist lab manager to participate the harmonization of testing equipment and methods for all EP testing labs in A-PMA (including QC laboratories).
  • Support lad manager to qualify and monitor 3rd testing parties relating to advanced or special material analysis in Korea.
  • Contribute to cross region testing harmonization relating to advanced material analysis with the guidance of lab manager.


  • Support the lab manger for spot check, evaluation, EHS audit, and implementation of corrective measures
  • Participate in EHS meeting/training and implementation of safety improvement
  • Responsible for HSE/5S at ME Lab

Education/Qualifications required:


  • Master degree in chemistry, chemical engineering, and polymer science or polymer chemistry

Working experience:

  • Industry experience of 2 ~ 5 years in material analysis or quality control lab
  • Work experience in the supervisor or ISO17025 accreditation will be a plus

Personal skill:

  • Knowledge and background on the chemistry or polymer science
  • Organization & coordination skill with proactive communication
  • Reporting & presentation skill
  • Fluent English communication skill on reading & writing, and speaking


*** 한국바스프 채용은 APAC HUB에서 진행되고 있으므로, 국제전화가 올 수 있습니다. 해외에서 전화가 올 경우 차단하지 마시고 반드시 전화를 받아주세요.  (BASF Korea's recruitment is managed by APAC HUB, so you may receive international calls for further process. If you receive international calls, please do not block it and be sure to answer it.)


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ME Lab Engineer

ME Lab Engineer


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