Perform installation business for each other instrument
Support setting business of Installation Team
- Repair
Secure reliability of customer through one stop service for each other instrument
- Maintenance
Arrange PM Schedule, Increase customer satisfaction through scheduled PM
Reduce emergency call through scheduled PM
- Manage Spare Part
Order, Manage necessary spare part to offer rapid service
Increase return ratio of defective RA parts
- Training
Increase ability of customer about troubleshooting, operation skill through User Training
Initiate internal engineer into knowledge of instrument
Initiate sub-dealer into knowledge of instrument
- Manage Service Bulletin, Important Solution
Inform internal engineer about Service Bulletin
Perform SW modification, HW modification according to SB
Inform internal engineer about important repairing solution
- Hotline Service
Perform Hotline
신입 지원 가능 (경력 3년 미만 선호)
Bachelor’s degree in engineering based major(electric, electronic, biomedical etc.)
In vitro diagnostics basics - especially for clinical laboratories
Repairing knowledge for medical instruments
Working experience in clinical laboratory or bio-science industry
Working experience in technical engineering or customer service related job
Good English proficiency
English and Korean resume and self-introduction in 1 MS Word file or PDF file.
Please include your current salary and expected salary information in resume.
국, 영문 이력서와 국, 영문 자기소개서를 1개의 MS Word 혹은 PDF 파일로 제출
이력서 상단에 현재 연봉과 희망 연봉을 반드시 표기하시기 바랍니다. 누락시 이력서가 검토되지 않습니다.
(보훈)취업지원대상자 우대-취업지원대상자증명서 반드시 제출 요망
Next Step
1. Job application screening 서류 전형
2. Interview 면접 전형
Interview will be informed to the candidate who passes the resume screen test.
면접은 서류전형 합격자에 한해 개별 통보합니다.
실무진 면접, 임원 면접
면접 일정은 해외지사에서 담당하고 있으며, 일정 확인을 위해 해외 번호(중국)로 연락이 갈 수 있는 점 미리 안내드립니다.
3. Overall assessment 종합 심사
4. Final notification via job offer letter 최종 합격 통지
* The finalist is selected after the comprehensive assessment which includes candidates’ reference check, background check on employment history, education, etc and medical check-up.
채용이 유력한 후보자에 대해서 이력 검증 및 평판 조회, 건강검진 등의 종합심사를 진행하여 최종 합격자를 선정합니다.
댓글 영역