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본문 제목

[한국 P&G] Sales Account Manager 채용

채용 뉴스/수시채용정보

by 커리어브릿지 2016. 8. 8. 21:53



Sales (Customer Business Development)

Account Manager














As a member of Sales (previously Customer Business Development), you will be responsible for building collaborative partnerships with our retail customers and using your drive and ingenuity to deliver sales goals. You will sell customer/distributor specific ideas and plans using our brands to create mutual competitive advantage. As a member of the Sales function, you will have a significant impact on the first moment of truth by influencing customers and distributors to build their business through merchandising and pricing actions on our brands. Sales has a leading role in this effort in all types of retail outlets, ranging from sophisticated global retailers to small neighborhood stores and open markets. The Account Manager delivers NOS, shipment, and share goals by executing Category/Team business plans and developing collaborative customer partnerships. This is achieved by deliver excellence in implementing the Sales Fundamentals (Distribution, Merchandising, Pricing, and Shelf) from merchandising headquarter point(s) to store level. He/she wins with consumers at the point of sale through excellent In-store execution.



Key Requirements
  • South Korean citizen. Legally eligible to work in Korea 
  • Must have no restrictions in travelling overseas
  • Major/Department: No restriction. All majors can qualify
  • Must have: strong leadership, strategic thinking skills, strong communication skill in both Korean and English, passion for winning, attention to details, passion for winning and drive for making a difference
  • At least 1 year and less than 3 years' experience in Sales
Application Process
  • 홈페이지(korea.pgcareers.com) “Apply Now” 있는 Application Guidelines  FAQ 확인한 , ”Search Jobs” 접속하여 해당 Job Number (SLS00001430검색하고 원하는 Job 선택(중복 지원  탈락 –  전형 직무만 지원 가능)  입사 원서 (영문 Resume 영문 Cover Letter 필수작성이 가능합니다.
  • 지원기간 마감 이후 이력서 수정은 불가능하며별도의 우편 접수는 받지 않습니다
전형 방법 및 일정
  • 온라인 지원 (영문 Resume와 영문 Cover Letter 필수 접수 온라인 테스트 완료):  8월 14일 11:59PM 마감
  • 온라인 테스트 결과 발표:  8월 16일
  • 필기시험: 8월 17일, 18일 
  • 면접전형 (면접은 서류전형 시 제출한 Resume & Cover Letter 바탕으로 ) : 8 24 이후
* 전형 결과 혹은 일정 변경에 대하여 지원자의 이메일 혹은 휴대폰으로 연락 드릴 예정이오니 입사서류 작성시 정확하게 기입해주시고 주기적인 확인 부탁 드립니다.




Primary Location

Korea, Republic of

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