상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

[한국 P&G] Associate IT Manager 채용

채용 뉴스/수시채용정보

by 커리어브릿지 2016. 8. 8. 22:10



Information Technology (IT)

Associate IT Manager













Who we are:
Information technology (IT) function mission in P&G is to leverage information to build connections and drive better business decision-making through knowledge of how the total business operates. IT employees work closely with all parts of the company to understand both current and future business needs to design and deliver high-quality solutions that meet business objectives using state of the art & industry leading mobile, social, cloud, big data analytics, IoT & other contemporary technologies and capabilities.
IT employees drive business transformation mastery and project leadership in P&G through information & decision solutions, so that P&G leverages information to build relevant connections and drive better decision making. At P&G, IT stretches far beyond the traditional aspects of "hardware and software." Instead, we are a key business enabler that advances technology tools, strategic development, collaboration, and decision making while step-changing personal learning & growth
Your work will enable faster & smarter decision making by helping P&G adopt solutions, services, platforms & turning information into actionable insights. Growing in this area allows you to eventually lead multi-million dollar projects across multiple geographies that have significant impact on transformational business results and industry wide recognition. 
What We Offer:
Your career will begin as an Associate IT Manager in Procter & Gamble. You will have the opportunity to lead crucible assignments in core IT areas driving scale & business value to drive P&G to win with consumers and shareholders through:
  • Project Management: Lead and own the architecture, design and development of solutions that bridge the gap between the business and technology. 
  • Technology Management: Work with technical experts around the world (both within P&G & external suppliers) on understanding, analysis and applying the right solution to the right problem.
  • Supplier Management: Develop a collaborative and healthy relationship with P&G's external suppliers of technology and services to create maximum benefits on both sides of the partnership. 
  • Service Management: Ensure that all services supplied back to P&G are delivered with quality and accuracy, continuously raising the bar on delivery standards.
  • Information Security: Protecting company assets & people from information security risks
    Through application & experience you would develop in-depth business, domain, and systems knowledge and in the process you would work with and be part of a diverse group of people within the P&G and Global IT community




To qualify for the position, you must possess the following qualities:
  • Have Undergraduate or Master’s Degree level qualifications. Preferred disciplines include; Information Technology, Computer Science, Engineering, Business Studies
  • Strong leadership and active in extracurricular activities
  • Strong networking skills and cross cultural fluency
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills to influence others to take action
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills 
  • Demonstrated ability to handle multiple priorities
  • Passion for technical mastery 
  • Business oriented mindset and comfortable with working with dynamic business scenarios
  • Fresh graduates or experienced professionals welcome to apply 


Application Process
  • 홈페이지(korea.pgcareers.com) “Apply Now” 있는 Application Guidelines  FAQ 확인한 , ”Search Jobs” 접속하여 해당 Job Number (IT 00000788) 검색하고 원하는 Job 선택(중복 지원  탈락 –  전형 직무만 지원 가능)  입사 원서 (영문 Resume 영문 Cover Letter 필수작성이 가능합니다.
  • 지원기간 마감 이후 이력서 수정은 불가능하며별도의 우편 접수는 받지 않습니다
전형 방법 및 일정
  • 온라인 지원 (영문 Resume와 영문 Cover Letter 필수 접수 온라인 테스트 완료):  8월 14일 11:59PM 마감
  • 온라인 테스트 결과 발표:  8월 16일
  • 필기시험: 8월 17일, 18일 
  • 면접전형 (면접은 서류전형 시 제출한 Resume & Cover Letter 바탕으로 ) : 8 22 이후
* 전형 결과 혹은 일정 변경에 대하여 지원자의 이메일 혹은 휴대폰으로 연락 드릴 예정이오니 입사서류 작성시 정확하게 기입해주시고 주기적인 확인 부탁 드립니다.



 Information Technology

Primary Location

Korea, Republic of




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