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[UL 코리아]Engineer Project Associate (에너지 안전인증 엔지니어)채용

채용 뉴스/수시채용정보

by 커리어브릿지 2016. 10. 20. 14:56



Engineer Project Associate (에너지 안전인증 엔지니어)



1. Electric vehicle, Automotive / Inverter 관련 안전인증 업무 진행
 - 제품 구조 및 기술 사양 검토
 - 고객 니즈와 제품 요구사항에 부합하는 프로젝트 scope 결정 및 비용/일정 관리
 - 파일/제품정보 검토, 샘플 시험, UL 규격 검토를 통한 적합한 시험 프로그램 제안 및 시험 입회
 - 결과 평가 및 성적서 작성
2. 프로젝트 일정 및 기술 이슈 관련 고객과의 커뮤니케이션 진행
3. 내, 외부시험소 및 해외 엔지니어와의 업무 협업
4. 고객 니즈에 적합한 UL 서비스 제안 및 안내
5. 신규기술 및 서비스에 대한 소개 및 기술 세미나 제공


1. Determines project scope, develops a preliminary plan of investigation, and determines project specifications such as cost, time, and sample requirements by analyzing client input, available supplemental data, and product construction. Projects may include travel to conduct or witness tests at client sites.
2. Initiates communication with clients to promote and explain the benefits of new and existing services. Follows up on contacts from clients. Communicates with clients to discuss technical issues, explain UL procedures and requirements, convey project cost, and negotiate completion date and sample requirements. Acts to address client concerns and to resolve client issues. Provides technical assistance to clients in reference to product inspection and follow-up services.
3. Establishes appropriate test programs by reviewing files and manufacturer's information, examining samples, and applying UL requirements. Is familiar with applicable standards, company manuals and appropriate technical literature. Examines samples for compliance with UL requirements and notifies client of any areas in which the product is not in compliance or of any changes in project scope or
4. Coordinates laboratory activities by preparing data sheets and instructions to technicians, scheduling and reviewing work of laboratory technicians and engineering support staff, and establishing completion dates. Coordinates administrative aspects of project management. Serves as Project Handler of record and may sign as Reviewer of record as assigned.
5. Communicates project status and results to clients through frequent contact and by preparing reports. Prepares Follow-Up Service Procedures and information pages.
6. Integrates continuous improvement concepts and techniques into all aspects of the job.
7. Resolves engineering issues associated with Variation Notices by analyzing and reporting on the acceptability of the variations.
8. Assists in the development of UL requirements. Assists in developing special test methods and test equipment. Analyzes test program for adequacy and sequence. May coordinate and/or perform File Reviews, as directed. May represent UL at industry related functions such as seminars and trade shows.

- Education: University Degree in Electrical/Electronic Engineering (필수)

- Job Experience: Entry(신입) or 1~3 years of experience is preferred on the below industries:
 a. Electric vehicle/automotive
 b. Industrial equipment
 c. Power supply
 d. Renewable energy
- Knowledge (우대)
 a. Electric vehicle/automotive, industrial equipment, power supply 관련 설계/제조 또는 시험/인증 경험
 b. Renewable energy 관련 지식 보유
 c. 안전 인증 및 규격 심사에 대한 이해
- 영어 가능자 우대


* 반드시 영문이력서와 국문이력서를 "1개"의 파일로 작성하여 제출 (MS Word 사용)

* 주민등록번호 13자리 기재 불가 <생년월일 기재>

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